Agorists believe that all interactions and relations are by voluntary mutual exchange lacking any force or threat of force. Ethics by definition must be universal meaning no person or group has a just claim to initiate threats of violence to achieve any ends. Those that identify as the "state" claim a right to initiate threats while calling them by other names to avoid the appearance of unethical behavior.
Taxation is theft by another name.
Imprisonment and all other detainments absent agression by the person being detained are a theft of a portion of a persons life.
We advocate living free whenever and however possible and viewing those that claim exemption from morality under sanction of a fictional state for the criminals that they are.
Mutually beneficial market transactions should be carried out while ignoring those claiming state power whenever possible. Continually avoiding taxation and regulation whenever and however possible, we gain small advantages over those that follow the coercive dictates of those that claim state power.
The focus here is on those calling themselves the "State of Indiana" and those who they claim to rule.